ID & Licenses

We enhance the security of data centers, safeguarding access to data and strengthening data process-flow. This ensures integrity and confidentiality for sensitive information in Digital Identities, contributing to a secure ecosystem.



We provide highly secure certificates for citizens, accommodating diverse applications such as ID, Training Certificates, Health Certificates, and more, ensuring integrity and authenticity of issued certificates.



Furthermore, we offer a comprehensive range of KYC (Know Your Customer) onboarding procedures (authenticity) complying with minimal financial and legal requirements up to NID (National Identity) proven methodologies. Our solution also includes verification and signature capabilities for transaction releases, ensuring robust security measures.


  • Using our architecture, we design tailored solutions for our customers, e.g., based on the choice of KYC level requested, complying with the laws, regulations and internal requests.
  • It is customizable and easily upgradable for user-specific smart contracts and application configurations like statistics, reports, or monitoring.
  • Our solution is based on infrastructure that allows uninterrupted access to users to transact at any time of the day, making the product available 24/7.
  • Its enterprise-friendly design enables easy user adoption for public and private permissioned network use cases.


  • Our product considers security as a fundamental requirement addressing the needs of the stakeholders, infrastructure, and the solution network.
  • Additional security concepts are integrated in addition to having a tamperproof solution.
  • High level of security against copying an ID giving integrity
  • Our solution offers the highest level of authenticity, e.g., by using Multi- Factor Authentication capabilities.


  • Our solution adheres to all national and international regulations, e.g., data privacy laws.
  • We ensure the highest level of privacy, authenticity, and integrity for the stakeholders.
  • We offer auditability of the solution as per regulatory requirements.


  • The TND platform is built on a high performance architecture that provides you instant process functions and interoperability with other platforms and ID systems.
  • Easy incorporation with other networks allowing you easy connection to other networks.
  • Cyber-resilient platform supporting, e.g., secure record update and validation across the network.
  • Our solution safeguards integrity, traceability, authentication, verifiability, and tamper-proof security throughout the process, making it consistent and efficient.
  • Simultaneous accessibility to the platform increases the speed of transactions.
  • Our configurable offering enables our customers to choose scalability requirements, desired level of decentralization, trust model, data privacy considerations, and performance needs.
  • Continuous improvement ensures that the ID system has state-of-the-art technology, similar to the conventional ecosystem.


  • The solution allows a minimum carbon footprint by using an eco-friendly protocol.
  • Our solution consumes much lesser energy and natural resources in comparison to the conventional ecosystem.
  • In combination with the availability of green energy, our system can be easily CO2 neutral.

ID - DLT > Platform Offerings

Digital ID Protection

Data Center Security solutions (including Track and Trace solutions)


Diploma and Doctorate Certificates, Education Certificates, Vaccination Certificates


Healthcare, Training, etc.

What makes our Service and Solutions unique?

With a strong background in the BOT and Partnership models spanning over 15 years, we excel in providing outsourced business solutions tailored to the unique needs of governments. Our commitment to delivering exceptional results and our deep industry knowledge make us the preferred choice for Governments, Central Banks, and Financial Institutions.



Our offerings provide comprehensive support throughout the entire lifecycle of our CBDC, Token, and ID solutions, ensuring integrated capabilities and streamlined processes.



We adhere to industry standards and best practices, ensuring our solutions are built on robust frameworks and follow established interfaces for seamless integration, compliance, and interoperability across various systems and platforms.



We recognize the unique requirements of Governments, Central Banks, and Financial Institutions. Therefore, we offer personalized features, workflows, and functionalities to allow flexibility, independency, and scalability for diverse use cases and needs.

“Glocal” expertise

“Glocal” expertise

“Glocal” expertise with decentralized approach: Blending international expertise while collaborating with influential local specialists for merging international standards with regional significance and ensuring the privacy of citizens and sovereignty of countries.

We are committed jointly to drive efficiency, innovation, and sustainable growth through strategic partnerships.

Contact us for a tailored solution